Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Of Deadlines And House Guests...

Stemming the flood of psychological turmoil threatening my drama-lite regime, I have been surfing the web for respite...and I have found the following event surprisingly close (Vancouver, B.C.) to my home:

VIDFEST is for the creators and producers of digital content. It's a chance to meet with peers from all over the world, see their work, develop new partnerships, and engage your mind by listening and talking to people like you who explore and push the boundaries of creativity in digital media.

Heather Armstrong, of "Dooce" fame, will be one of the many panelists giving talks throughout the four-day event (June 15-18).

Date: Thursday, June 16, 2005
2:10PM – 3:20PM

Interactive Design - Reclaiming the Web for Personal Expression

With the advent of blogging, the web has again become a platform for individuals to share their thoughts and experiences with whoever cares to read them. Of course, many companies have also added features to give a more personal face to their corporations and some bloggers have been able to develop a business with their sites. Explore how the resurgence in this type of communication affects our use and understanding of the Web. Learn what is important for interactive designers to know about the Web as a vehicle for personal expression.

Panelists:Heather Armstrong, Blogger, (US), Dr. Ron Burnett, President, Emily Carr Institute / Author, How Images Think (Can), Marc Canter, CEO, Broadband Mechanics (US), Rob McLaughlin, Executive Producer, CBC Radio 3 (Can), Ross Phillips, Head of Interactive, SHOWstudio (UK)

Sponsored by: Switch Interactive


Thought du jour:
Complacency breeds resistance to change and avoidance of risk (BPG).


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