Wednesday, June 01, 2005

More Reasons Why We Write...

Did you know that AOL Time Warner owns Netscape, and CNN?

Disney, of course, owns ABC...


Here in Canada, Can West Global owns most of the major news papers and television stations.

What I'm getting at here, is if we are primarily making decisions based on information that we are getting from mass media, can we trust our sources? Do we want to trust that we are getting fully objective, unbiased reporting when major companies unrelated to media own the places we go to for information?

This to me, is what makes blogging all the more important. We write, not for money or fame, but because we have something important to say. When I click on Jeff Jarvis' blog, I usually learn of news before it is posted on mainstream new's sites, and certainly much sooner than I would hear of it if I only relied on television or newspapers. When I read Talking Story or blogs of other members of the online community, I really feel that what I am reading is authentic - not an on-message story drafted to sell me product.

This is why we need to write to stem the tide of subjective media that is everywhere around us. Just think about this: If we all started talking about interesting and important things that were happening in our part of the world, we would all have a good unbiased idea of world events. This would be uninfluenced by advertisers, corporate sponsors or parent companies. The implications are staggering. (please check out Ripples for much better writing than mine about citizen publishing.)

I just have one question to leave ith everyone...

When the big corporations start buying blogger and typepad. Where do we move next?


Blogger Pascal Venier said...

Brilliant post. Now ... wasn't Blogger taken over by Google a while back ?

2:07 PM  
Blogger jhodson said...

Blogger is Google. Thing is, Google is still relatively small potatoes compared to the Disney's and General Electric's of the world. Google is a major player on the web, but outside of it? Not so I've heard.

Thanks for your feedback

4:30 PM  
Blogger David St Lawrence said...

Thanks for the nice mention!

Keep those thoughtful posts coming. The aggregate influence of our many small audiences is a living example of The Long Tail phenomena at work in the blogosphere.

Like water washing away stone, or crud, open communication eventually reduces the man-made barriers which seek to hide or distort the truth.

Disney and GE didn't grow because they espoused the twisted logic of current TV network news programming, they merely acquired what seemed to be profitable business opportunities.

If these media properties gain them undesirable publicity and stockholder criticism, I think you will see some divestiture occurring. I don't see Disney or GE defending situations like Dan Rather & 60 Minutes or Newsweek's recent reporting. I expect to see them running from any association with media that will earn them massive disapproval.

Bloggers are pretty good at expressing massive disapproval, or approval. :)

2:39 AM  

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