Hello, again...
As I feel quite confident that no one is reading us anymore (not even "us" most of the time) I will keep this brief. I recently quit my job. I am now frantically searching not only for a new one but some idea of what I want the new one to be...I have turned away from the web probably at a time when it would be most helpful and I have turned so far inward that I have come out the other side - ever watch a little brother pour salt on a slug?
Moving on...
I just wanted to say, again, we are still here, still trying to keep our little blog afloat. Just a heads up that our contributions to the world wide web will be sporadic at best. Note: we will try for a couple of times a month.
So, I look forward to reconnecting with the web and the bloggers I have grow so fond of reading and I want to thank our loyal readership when we had you, if we still do, and those of you that -miracle of miracles - may even now be new to us.
Sincerely, Nigel
Hi Nigel, I think I can understand what you're feeling. Check out most of my blog posts from the period of January to May 2005. Use those of us out here who do still read and care (believe it or not, I'll bet I'm not the only one) as sympathetic ears and encouraging conspirators in helping you figure what to do next.
The challenge is asking for help. Trust me, it's not easy to do, but the results might just be extraordinary.
Be well.
Thank you Chris...I have enjoyed keeping up with your writing this year (via Rosa) and appreciate your reminder to not let myself shrink too far, for too long, into my shell.
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As Chris says, the hardest part can be asking for help (at least that's true for me).
I'm glad you posted about this rather than keeping it in.
What did you do before, and what are you thinking about doing next? If you can share some of your thoughts with the community, we might just be able to help you land someplace nice.
Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.
I am a member of Rosa's HOC and as such, I think this blog is very important in the overall scheme of things. It's another true, personal voice. One the web should not lose. One the blogosphere is the better for.
I would like to encourage you to hang in there. Keep blogging! Asking for help is always so hard, but there are tons of us out here who are ready and willing to listen, and do whatever we can.
I'd be happy to do a Smart Blogger Online interview of you over at Lip-sticking. With the focus on your ability to connect with so many people -- just by being you!
The offer stands open indefinitely.
Nigel - I can feel your frustration on two counts. The job and wondering about your readership. I would like to recommend you check out Dick Richard's book Is Your Genius at Work? Dick is a fellow member of our HOC community.
As for the "where is everybody?" question...look at it this way: To be helped, help. The community at Talking Story is richly laden with intelligent and caring people. Get involved with them and they will get involved with you.
Hang in there, hold your head up and realize you are not going it alone!
My own blog has been as silent as a snowy winter's night for many moons, ironically because I took a job. Just as my non-blogging friends understand that I am occupied with establishing a new life in Hawaii, and wait patiently for me to resurface, I know when I am ready to write again, the readership will be waiting. The last thing you need to do is compound the emotions around finding a new job, perhaps a new work identity, with guilt around not blogging!
Execukos was originally founded around the idea of professional executive career management...not just transitions but the whole enchilada. I have a wealth of resources I'd gladly share with you. Have you read Crossing the Unknown Sea by poet David Whyte? Please feel free to contact me directly if you'd like my kokua.
I can empathize. You've got the blog guilt thing and you've got the work thing. The work thing makes you less motivated to do the blog thing, which gives you more guilt, which you really don't need right now, thank you very much. Yeah, been there.
The work thing is important, obviously. Focus there. Do the blog thing if it gives you value. Your blog gives *me* value, but don't hitch your wagon to my opinions. :-)
As someone wisely told me not long ago on my own blog, this is what RSS is for. I subscribe to a lot of blogs. I don't generally notice when they *don't* post. I'll catch them when they do. Don't worry about the blog, just post when you've got good stuff to post.
As for work, you know what to do. The suggestion to read Dick Richards' book is a good one. Of course there are plenty more to read as well. In the end you gotta line up your work with your interests. Easier than it sounds, but not impossible. Again, you already know this stuff.
Best of luck to you, keep us posted!
We are still out here and will be waiting when you return.
Tell everyone you know that you are looking for work. Networking is the key to your next job.
Return soon!
So - what is up with you two? Please let us know.
No more feeling sorry for yourself. Suck it up Princess. And put a smile on that face. You're too pretty to look sad.
Post something positive.
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