Back from Vacation
But still not working - unless you count homework. I have never felt so relaxed!
Props to Nigel, for keeping the posting going during my absence- and with a stressful work deadline looming as well. Nigel, you are a blogging saint :)
I was taken to the Kingfisher Spa: Courtenay, BC, Canada for my vacation. Aaaaaah! Highly recommended. If you ever make it there, try the hydropath and the aromatherapy massage. Tell them Jay sent you (to which they will say "...?...")
Current projects include:
getting ready to make a movie (see Ratball Productions). Trying to get ready to costume 16 people, and feed 25. Our budget is about $1.00 (canadian) so it's been fun and challenging. Click the ratball link to find out more.
Studying for school. I have some assignments due August 7 - before school even starts. I also have to read a really boring book entitled "Learning with Cases" I swear, reading this book is punishment for stealing in some countries...
I want to make a comemeorative video DVD for a friend of mine who is ending an important chapter in his life
I also have volunteer meetings.
Who needs work?
* * * * *
Currently on my mind:
How do I become kinder and gentler with myself?
Do I get a job one day a week (or accept a similar part time arrangement with my old company) while I'm in school, or do I get student loans? (still haven't heard back from scholarship people)
Do I leave my current living arrangement for one slightly more expensive, but psychologically better, or do I tough it out for one more year while in school (see also question 2 - as in how to pay for said arrangement)
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