The Backlash: In Memory of Kamal
From the BBC:
Islamic Human Rights Commission chairman Massoud Shadjareh is monitoring the number attacks on Asian people not reported to the police.
He told BBC News the commission was "extremely concerned at the escalation of backlash attacks against Muslims since 7/7".
"Normally we get something in the region of between six and seven every week.
"Now in less than two weeks we have had 170 reported to us alone."
The attacks, across the whole of the UK, covered "everything" from verbal abuse and spitting to arson, Mr Shadjareh added.
Nine mosques had been attacked, a garage firebombed, people assaulted in the street, and homes had had their windows broken, he told BBC News.
"It is really very worrying."
Three days after the 7 July bombings, Kamal Butt, 48, from Pakistan was murdered outside a corner shop in Nottingham.
Eight juveniles and a man have been arrested.
From another BBC article today:
On Wednesday Prime Minister Tony Blair's wife Cherie, a top QC, warned against responding to terror "in a way that undermines commitment to our most deeply held values and convictions which cheapens our right to call ourselves a civilised nation".
She told a conference of 1,000 lawyers, civil servants and diplomats in Malaysia, that judges made rulings in a way that taught citizens and government about the "ethical responsibilities" of participating in a true democracy committed to "universal human rights standards".
Mrs Blair added: "Sometimes democracy must fight back with one hand tied behind its back. None the less it has the upper hand."
Later on Wednesday Mr Blair told reporters that he agreed that there was a balance to be struck between people's freedom and their security.
Why is the hair on the back of my neck standing up?
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