Friday, April 01, 2005

Today's News From My Small World

Today’s work issue:

Still reeling from the break-in Tuesday night and the fact that the door to our department’s entrance is not yet fixed/working, everyone is up in arms over the fact that there is a syringe on the front steps. The cleaners do not want to pick it up, the property manager wants the City to deal with it, and the City says it is not their jurisdiction…so there it stays freaking everyone out. I’m not saying that the presence of such a stark example of the societal ills of this small city doesn’t distress me but what distresses me more is that people seem upset that the illusion we exist in an idyllic little bubble is dispelled. Get a sharps container, throw it away, and organize a fund raiser for this city’s homeless and/or drug dependent instead of employee art shows (not that art shows are a bad thing but I don’t think it is necessary to email about it for 4 months).

Today’s walk to work issue:

I have been walking the same 'path' to work for over a year…my past employment was very close to my current job. So, for over a year I have been saying, “hello,” to a woman handing out "The Watchtower." She is nice and we had kept the brief exchange to discussions of weather…recently she changed the nature of our acquaintance-ship and offered me some literature. I accepted and now have accumulated a nice little collection. She upped the ante today: she talked out EVOLUTION or rather the absurdity of EVOLUTION. Now I must admit here that I am somewhat of a poster child for the stereotypical acquiescing Canadian…I took the literature and even read it. I have not argued any points with her during her recent handing out of readings, which she frames with a brief positing of theories of the ideal nature of God’s rule. “Why get into it before 9am, before a cup of joe, on my walk to work,” I reason. But EVOLUTION!

I have decided to take my lead form Rosa Say’s recent post discussing the beauty, simplicity, and efficacy of being real. Next week, I will buy this woman latte and debate the points of evolutionary theory (throw in a little pre-hominid discourse) and see how it goes. My problem is that I know there are holes in this discussion – missing links. I also tend to lean towards self-doubt which comes out during debates of this nature when I am not assertive enough putting forward my opinion. But listening to others is a good thing; as well as learning new information. And a forum to flex my memory muscles is always welcome…I’ll write up an accounting of J.W. theology versus Anthropology ’05.

And, finally:

Thank you Rosa Say for including Jay and myself in your Ho‘ohana Online Community. I appreciate the comment that you believe our writing to be “soulful.” High praise indeed, given the source!


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