Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Lighter Thoughts, On My Mind: Yesterday and Today

Points of Note:

PhD candidate (Carleton University – Department of Sociology and Anthropology) Anne Galloway is working on an eclectic mix of mediums and methods to impart her dissertation. Particularly interesting in light of computer/blogging evolving technology.


On April 16th Toronto will be experiencing the Framework Foundation Timeraiser :

The Framework Foundation empowers Canadians between the ages of 22 and 35 to 'get in the picture' and help build stronger communities through volunteer involvement. Our Framework Foundation 'picture' celebrates the power of collective dedication, recognizing its importance in addressing community needs.
The Framework Timeraiser is the first major program of the Framework Foundation. The inaugural 2004 Toronto Timeraiser was so successful that we have been asked to launch Timeraisers in other Canadian cities.


A Timeraiser is part volunteer fair, part silent art auction and part night on the town. It is a celebration with a cause. It is a way for you to get in the picture.We are using a hybrid approach to bring people-to-causes and causes-to-people. Our main goal at Timeraising events is to give volunteers a venue to where their time and skills are needed most. The Framework Foundation does this by working closely with agencies that are committed to top-notch volunteer management programs. It is also silent art auction with a twist; instead of bidding dollars, you bid volunteer†hours. The art has been purchased from artists, not donated. The investment in the art is then leveraged to inspire volunteerism. The win-win-win-win-win is this: volunteers connect with meaningful volunteer opportunities, the agencies connect with skilled with volunteers, the artists get paid for their work, donors spend their money twice (first in the arts community, then on volunteerism) and our community is the main beneficiary.

Sounds interesting and I am looking forward to the Vancouver event, hopefully, in Fall 2006 (unless the organizers decide to stage the West Coast leg in Calgary).

I wonder why the age limits?


A couple of entertaining weblogs, Blogger directed me to:

New York Intern

My name is Andy, and I'm an intern in New York. This blog is a look into my subordinate soul, as I climb my way to the base of the professional ladder and experience New York City in general. You'll be here for the good times, the bad times, and of course, those situations somewhere in the middle, which I refer to as "bood" times.

The Last Nail

This one reminds me of home improvement tv shows but with a witty, cynical, intelligent twist.


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